WMSCOG New Song ― a song for our salvation and privilege to the people of Elohim God

It's not an exaggeration that we, all human beings, have been always together songs. We tell stories, convey something to others, and express emotions through songs. And people believe that songs have power and effect on human life. That’s why people enjoy singing and listening to good songs. Then why do people love them? We can find the answer in the bible. It is written that we were angels in heaven who praise to God continuously, but sinned and expelled from heaven. And our memory in heaven was lost due to our sins(Isa.59:2). Even though we lost it, we were pleasured completely in heaven by praising to God, so we still love to sing songs here on the earth. And the bible teaches us a more important thing. That is, God allowed us New Song for our salvation.

The New Song is a song to praise God who came for our salvation. The bible foretells that only those who realized their sins and the savior in the age and repent can praise the savior of the age with New Song.

Ps. 96:1–3 『Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth. Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.』

Rev. 14:3 『And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth.』

So, those who believed in God in the age of the Father praised Jehovah, the Savior of that age, with the New Song. Likewise, in the age of the Son, God came to the earth as a man with the new name, “Jesus.” The saints, who received God who came in the flesh, praised Jesus Christ.

This is the age of the Holy Spirit. In this age, God came to the earth in the flesh as the Spirit and the Bride to give us water of life (Rev. 22:17). So we living in the age of the Holy Spirit should praise God the Holy Spirit who came in the new name of Jesus to give us salvation (Rev. 3:12), and the Bride the new Jerusalem Heavenly Mother (Gal. 4:26). Among countless churches in the world, the New Song is sung only in WMSOG(World Mission Society of Church of God), since it follows every teaching of the bible.

According to the teaching of the bible, New song is a song for our salvation and privilege to the people of Elohim God, God the Father and God the Mother. And the bible tells us that the day when whole world and universe will be filled with this glorious New song will come soon. Won’t you come to WMSCOG and praise to Elohim God with New Song together? :)


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