The Secret of the Lord's Prayer

There is a very important secret in the Lord's Prayer.
Christians have called God 'Our Father in heaven' for 2,000 years.

Mt 6:9 "This, then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in heaven..."

Jews also had called God 'our Father' for 3,500 years.

Isa 64:8 "Yet you, Lord is our Father."

Why they called God 'Father' for a long time?
Surely there is God's will in everything......what is God's will?

The lexical meaning of 'father' is the man who has a child.
The man cannot have a child alone.
The existence of a child proves the existence of his(or her) mother.
Through the earthly family, we can understand the heavenly family.

Heb 8:5 "They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven."

The reason why we call God "Father" is to let us know what we have our heavenly Mother as well as our heavenly Father.

The Bible testifies about heavenly Mother.

Gal 4:26 " But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother."

Without a mother, we cannot have blessings as God's children.
Only who believe in God the Father and God the Mother can be children of God and enter the kingdom of heaven.


  1. Right, we have a father and also we have a mother. Likewise, as God's children, we can clearly understand that we have Heavenly Father and also we must have Heavenly Mother. The Bible obviously testified about God the Mother.

  2. I am happy to have God the Mother as well as God the Father. :)


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