God's Way of Salvation revealed in Earthly family and Heavenly family (1)

Is there anyone who actually ever seen God in this world? Probably there’s no one! That is because God and Heaven are invisible! But then why do Christians believe and desire invisible God and Heaven, even though they haven’t seen them. And how come they know God as the Father and the Saints themselves as children of God and call each other brothers and sisters

It is because this God-given Bible reveals the invisible heavenly things, all the will of God.  In other words, only through this bible we can know how the heavenly world is and God’s way to save us.  So today, let’s find out the true meaning of God’s salvation toward us under the title “Heavenly Family and Earthly Family”.

Heb. 8:5 The serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven.

What does the bible tell us? The earthly thing is a copy and shadow. We have lived with the thought that the earthly thing is reality, since it is visible to our eyes. However, the bible says that things on the earth are not reality but copy and shadow of what is in heaven.

This means that by looking deep into the earthly family, which is the copy, and the way the earthly family is formed, we are able to learn the heavenly family system, which is the reality, and the way to be a member of the heavenly family, that is the very way to be saved and go back to Heavenly Home. Let’s confirm this precious truth one by one through the bible.

When it comes to the family system, we can think of its members: There are a father, a mother and their children. Among family members, let’s think about the father first. We all have our own father. So if there is the father on the earth which is the world of shadow, who must there be in the heavenly family which is the world of reality? Heavenly Father! Then, the bible should testify the existence of Heavenly Father.

Heb. 12:9 Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live!

The verse states that just as we have a physical father, we have the spiritual father. That’s why 2,000 years ago Jesus taught us the Father of our spirits, who is a member of the heavenly family.

Mat. 6:9 Our Father in heaven..

Jesus taught us that God in heaven is our spiritual Father. God, However, has many glorious titles such as the lord of the lords, the king of the kings and so on, but then why did Jesus teach us to call God “our Father”? We can find the answer in the earthly family system. Not all men are called father. No matter how old he is or he is married, if he doesn’t have his children, he can never be called a father. Therefore, the fact that God is our Father in heaven tells us that there also exist heavenly children in the heavenly family.

2 Co. 6:17~18  You will be my sons and daughters...

God teaches us that we are the children of God. However, is there anyone who is given life through only their father, alone, without a mother being in this world? There’s no one! Even though a man has a better power and capacity than a woman, there is one thing that a man never can do but only a woman can do. It is to give a birth to a child. Without being a mother, a child can never get a life, become a member of a family, and a man cannot be called a father.

In the family system of this world, a mother has an important role and completes the family. As it is written in the bible that the earthly system is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven, like being a mother in this world, there definitely heavenly mother exist in the heavenly family who gives us the eternal life and completes our salvation. Therefore, without receiving and believing in God the Mother, no one can gain eternal life. It’s is the very will of God for our salvation. Then, the Bible must testify that there is God the Mother just as it testifies that there are God the Father and heavenly children. Let’s confirm this through the bible.

Gal. 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother..

Surprisingly, the bible clearly testifies the existence of God the Mother.

Today, there are countless churches in the world. Reading the same bible, they call God the Father and call themselves God's children, but they don't believe in God the Mother who is clearly testified in the bible. Rather, they refuse and insult Her. Then what is their end? No living things, including people on this earth which is the world of shadow, can exist or gain life without a mother. It’s the very will of God to save us. Say again, anyone cannot get eternal life and become a child of God going back to Heaven without God the Mother.

Among numerous churches in the world, only WMSCOG (World Mission Society Church of God) has right faith in God the Mother. As we’ve seen so far through the teachings of the bible, we can receive eternal life only through God the Mother. So what do they all tell us? That is, anyone who really wants to reach salvation should come to WMSCOG surely.

And don't you wonder how to become the children of God the Father and God the Mother─God's way of saving us? Let's figure it out through the teachings of the bible in the next post. Please look forward to it! :)


  1. It's so clearly evident that we have not only God the Father but also God the Mother. As God's children, we are the member of Heavenly Family. How happy we are!!!^^


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