
Mother & the Covenant Established in Blood

 All mankind committed sins in heaven and came to this earth from heaven. So all people of the world are heavenly sinners.  God came to this earth and established the truth to forgive our sins for us to keep the feasts of God. In the time of Moses, people were forgiven sins through the blood of the sacrifice of male and female animals on the Sabbath, Passover, and the feasts of God. It prophesies that we can receive the forgiveness of our sins through God the Father and God the Mother's sacrifice. In this last age, Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother have come to this earth to save us. So we can be saved through Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother's sacrifice and love. Only the Church of God believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother and receives salvation by keeping the feasts of God. I give thanks to Elohim God.

Heavenly Mother & Heavenly Family

We, God's children, call God Father.  Then, are there only Heavenly Father and His sons and daughters in heavenly family? In family, there must be father, mother and sons and daughters. Likewise, in the heavenly family, God's children must have Heavenly Mother. The Bible testifies about Heavenly Mother as well as Heavenly Father. Let's receive Heavenly Mother and become God's children who will be saved.

Jerusalem That Is Above Is Our Mother

The Bible testifies about the existence of Heavenly Mother who gives us eternal life. Only the Church of God teaches the truth of Heavenly Mother through the Bible. When we believe in Jerusalem Heavenly Mother we can receive the promise of God that is eternal life. And Heavenly Mother as the Bride gives us the water of life with Heavenly Father as the Spirit in this last age. Let's shine the glory of Jerusalem Heavenly Mother to all nations.

Can We Live Without Water?

  Can we live without water? No one can live without water. We need to water to sustain our life. Likewise, we need to the water of life for our eternal life. According to the Bible, the Spirit and the Bride who are God the Father and God the Mother give us the water of life. And God the Mother is the source of the water of life. We must believe in God the Mother as well as God the Father in this last age. Thanks to God the Father and God the Mother. 

The History of Abraham’s Family & Heavenly Mother

  Who can inherit the kingdom of heaven?  According to the prophecy of the history of Abraham's family, Abraham represents Heavenly Father and Issac represents God's children.  Issac became the heir of Abraham because of Sarah's existence. It means that God's children like Issac can become the heirs of God because of Heavenly Mother's existence. Those who believe in Heavenly Mother as well as Heavenly Father can inherit the kingdom of heaven. Let's preach the truth of Heavenly Mother and enter the kingdom of heaven.

Let Us Make Man in Our Image

  Many churches in this world say that there is only God the Father. However, when God created man, He said "Let Us make man in Our image." So God is not One but more then Two. God created male and female in the image of God.  There are the male image of God and the female image of God. God the Father and God the Mother exist. And in this last age, the Spirit who is God the Father and the Bride who is God the Mother give us the water of life. So to receive the water of life that is eternal life, we must believe in God the Father and God the Mother. Let's receive God Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother who lead to the kingdom of heaven through the prophecies of the Bible.

The New Covenant Passover

  How can we receive eternal life? According to the Bible, we must eat the food for eternal life. It is the manna of life. When we eat and drink Jesus' flesh and blood, we can have eternal life. In the Bible, the Passover's bread refers to Jesus' body and the Passover's wine means Jesus' blood. So the food for eternal life is the Passover's bread and wine. In this last age, Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother restored the Passover of the New Covenant to give us eternal life. Let's keep the New Covenant Passover and give praise to Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother.